Quiz Maker for websites and promotions
Create an online quiz to generate leads, promote your product, or simply to entertain your followers or audience.
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Trivia & Quiz Maker
The online Trivia & Quiz Generator, or Questions and Answers Generator is a free online tool that will allow you to create a series of questions and answers with options, to present in a very simple way to viewers or students by Zoom, Hangout or any other streaming tool.
How does the "Trivia & Quiz Generator" work?
The app to generate online quiz (trivia or questions) allows the creator of the trivia to enter a series of questions and answers and then share them or present them to a group of people
Start generating trivia by entering a title, and then adding as many questions and answers as you like.
When you click on start, the app will generate a series of screens where you can share the correct questions and answers, challenging participants to answer correctly.
How to generate an online Trivia?
You can generate an online trivia by entering a series of questions and answers as we explain below:
- Enter a title for the trivia
- Click on "Add a question"
- Enter the question text
- Enter up to 4 possible answers to your question
- If the question has more than 1 answer, please mark the correct answer
- Repeat this step according to the number of questions you want to add to your trivia
- Click on "Start" to launch the trivia
Once the trivia has started, you can perform the following actions:
- Put in full screen mode
- Activate / deactivate sounds
- Press ESC (escape) or the button (x) to close the game
- Use the space key to move forward, or use the keyboard to move forward and backward
- If you are on a tablet, touch the screen to begin and advance through the questions