Instagram Hashtag Generator

Find the best hashtags for your social media posts. Generate popular hashtags and reach more people.

  • Discover the most relevant hashtags for your niche.
  • Optimize your engagement with strategic hashtags.
  • Generate unique and personalized hashtags based on the keywords you choose.
Enter hashtags

In the field below, enter the main hashtag and we will find the next hashtags for you.

We couldn't find any results, enter a #hashtag and try again

#{{ hashtag_data.query }}

{{ hashtag }}
{{ hashtag_data.text }}

How does the "Online Hashtag Generator" work?

The Hashtag Creator is a free tool that allows you to generate tags related to a keyword or a main hashtag.

Our free hashtag generator allows you to:

  • Choose frequent hashtags related to your post’s theme.
  • Increase the visibility of your posts and interaction with your audience.
  • Combine keywords to find hashtags with broader reach.
  • Find emerging hashtags to stay ahead of trends.

If you need more information, check out the full guide for our Instagram Hashtag Generator tool - you can also use it on other social networks!

Video tutorial: How to generate popular hashtags

How to generate popular hashtags:

  1. Enter the keyword or main hashtag in the indicated field.
  2. Click the "Generate Hashtags" button.
  3. Select the most relevant hashtags for your post from the list.
  4. Copy the selected list and paste it into your post.
See how it works
Simple and Fast

Generating and selecting different hashtags for Instagram is so easy that you don't need instructions.

Get your tags with Rafflys immediately!

Free Tool

The Hashtag Generator for Instagram and other social networks from Rafflys is free, and you can use it as many times as you want.

Isn't that great?

Combine Languages

Generate multilingual hashtags by combining your keyword with terms in other languages.

Easily connect with global audiences!

Copy and Paste

Choose the most relevant hashtags for your post, copy them, and paste them into your posts, reels, messages, and comments.

Just two clicks!

No Login Required

Create your hashtags for social networks in seconds without logging in! Just access our app and select "Hashtag Generator," it's that simple.

100% Online

Generate your hashtags without downloading any app and from the device you prefer. No complications or installations, you only need an internet connection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Rafflys offers you an unlimited number of times you can create and choose your tags and their combinations.

Like many of our tools, the hashtag creator is 100% free.

You can use our online tag generator without having an active account.

Generate relevant hashtags for any social network with our free tool:

  • Use our hashtag generator for your giveaways on Instagram or for any post you want to highlight.
  • Design popular hashtags to make your posts and giveaways on TikTok go viral.
  • Create original and trending hashtags to engage your audience on Facebook.
  • Use our Hashtag Generator for YouTube and make your videos stand out with personalized and precise hashtags.
  • Gain visibility with our hashtag generator for Twitter/X. Use them to highlight and announce your giveaways on this social network.