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How to create and use strategic #hashtags on your social media with Rafflys

By Franca Beraldi · Sep 11, 2024

Hashtags are increasingly present in social media content. This is not only due to a widespread custom but is also part of a communication strategy that your business should be aware of.

In this article, I will explain why it is important to create a hashtag strategy, what are the best tips for doing so, and how to generate hashtags that align with your brand using Rafflys.

Let’s get started!

What are hashtags and which social networks use them?

Hashtags (#) originated on Twitter around 2007 as a way to group and find content related to a specific topic.

The first hashtag in history was #barcamp, created that same year by designer and technology advocate Chris Messina.

Since then, its use has spread to almost all social networks. Initially, its main function was to organize conversations, but over time, hashtags have become a powerful digital marketing tool to increase visibility, reach, and engagement with posts.

Rafflys allows you to generate the perfect hashtag to boost brand awareness, effectively categorize your content, and maximize its visibility on social media platforms.

Generate strategic hashtags with Rafflys and add them to your social media

Let’s see what is the step by step guide to find the hashtags that you should include in your next posts on the social networks.

Step 1: Access Rafflys and select the Hashtag Generator

To generate your hashtags with our app, you don’t need to create an account or log in, and you can do it from any device!

In the Rafflys tools section, choose the one labeled “Hashtag Generator”

Select the Hashtag Generator from the tools list.
In Rafflys tools list, select the “Hashtag Generator” option.

Step 2: Enter your main keyword or hashtag

In the indicated box, enter the main hashtag (or the most important keyword) you have chosen for your post. This hashtag should be as generic as possible and aligned with current trends or your industry.

Write the main hashtag or your keyword in the box.
Research what your main keyword or hashtag is and enter it in the box.

Step 3: Discard the hashtags you don’t want to use

Once the list of hashtags results has been displayed, remove those that are not in tune with your brand or post. It is important to filter carefully and not copy the entire block of suggested hashtags. Being a generally broad keyword, it may offer a wide variety of suggestions, many of which might not be related to the topic you want to communicate.

Remove the hashtags you don't want to use.
Delete the hashtags you don’t want by clicking “x”.

Step 4: Copy the suggested hashtags

Great, you now have your customized list of hashtags. The next step is to copy it. Click on COPY TO CLIPBOARD and it will be ready to be pasted on any social network.

Step 5: Paste the hashtags into your social media posts

You are almost there! Paste the copied hashtags into your preferred social network. Remember to paste them at the end of your post or in the first comment.

Keep reading below to learn the specifics of each platform so you can design your hashtag strategy professionally.

Take a look at the video we have prepared! It will help you learn how to use the tool in less than two minutes.

Create hashtags for your posts in seconds!I want my #hashtags

Why is it important to create a hashtag strategy?

Creating a hashtag strategy is essential because it helps you reach and increase the visibility of your content on social media, making it easier for users who don’t follow you to discover it. Additionally, hashtags assist with audience segmentation, as you can target a specific audience interested in the topics you are sharing. However, it is important to avoid excessive or irrelevant use of hashtags, as this can be penalized by platform algorithms and reduce the visibility of your posts.

What are the basic steps or aspects to create a hashtag strategy?

  1. Research relevant hashtags for your industry or niche.
  2. Choose a mix of popular, niche, and branded hashtags. Popular ones can give more visibility, while niche hashtags attract a more specific audience.
  3. Avoid excessive use of generic hashtags and make sure all are relevant to the content of the post.
  4. Create a branded hashtag and promote it to encourage interaction with your audience.
  5. Monitor the performance of the hashtags used and adjust your strategy based on the results.

With a well-defined hashtag strategy, you can not only increase the reach and visibility of your publications, but also ensure that you are targeting an audience that is truly interested in your content. Generate strategic hashtags in seconds with Rafflys and improve your social media marketing.

How to use #hashtags on the different social networks

Not all social networks handle hashtags the same way. Let’s see the specifics of each one.

Hashtags on Instagram

  • They are essential for increasing the visibility of posts, as they help content reach audiences beyond direct followers.
  • The Instagram algorithm takes hashtags into account to show content in the “Explore” section.
  • It is recommended to use a mix of popular hashtags and less competitive hashtags, which maximizes the chances of being discovered without losing relevance.
  • Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post, but many experts suggest using between 5 and 10 well-chosen ones.
  • Instagram also prioritizes relevant hashtags, and excessive use of generic hashtags may penalize the reach of the post.

Hashtags on Twitter/X

  • True to the social network in which they were created, hashtags continue to be essential for following trending topics and participating in real-time conversations, especially around important events or news.
  • Twitter prioritizes trending hashtags and recommends limiting their use to 1 or 2 per tweet, as the character space is limited.
  • Here, hashtags help posts appear in searches, but the algorithm also favors highly interactive content (retweets, likes, replies) over posts that simply include many hashtags.

Hashtags on TikTok

  • TikTok uses hashtags to categorize content and make personalized recommendations to users through its algorithm.
  • Hashtags play a key role in the viralization of videos. Popular hashtags like #ForYou or #FYP (For You Page) are commonly used to try to get the video featured on the discovery page.
  • TikTok prioritizes the relevance of content and its interaction, rather than just the use of hashtags.
  • It is recommended to combine viral hashtags with niche hashtags to maximize visibility on this platform.

Hashtags on Facebook

  • The use of hashtags on Facebook is less prominent than on other platforms but remains useful for discovering content, especially in groups and public pages.
  • Unlike Instagram, where many hashtags can be used, on Facebook, it is recommended to use only a few that are directly relevant to the content.
  • The Facebook algorithm favors organic interaction (comments, shares) over posts with too many hashtags, so it is essential to choose them carefully and not overuse them.

Hashtags on LinkedIn

  • LinkedIn uses hashtags to categorize content within a professional network. Users can follow specific hashtags to receive related content in their feed.
  • On LinkedIn, hashtags function similarly to those on Instagram, helping posts get discovered more easily by professionals with aligned interests.
  • Here, hashtags should be more formal and related to professional topics, such as #digitalmarketing or #technology.
  • It is recommended to use between 3 and 5 hashtags per post.

Tips for Choosing and Using Hashtags Effectively

  • Each social network with its own rules: Each platform has its own behavior with hashtags. For example, on Instagram, it is common to use more hashtags, while on Twitter/X, it is better to keep them to a minimum due to the character limit. Adapt your strategy according to each social network.
  • The key is relevant hashtags: Use hashtags directly related to the content of your post, your brand’s niche, or your audience’s interests. These allow you to connect your content with the right audience and improve interaction naturally.
  • Review and adjust: It is essential to monitor the performance of hashtags through analytics tools and adjust your strategy based on the results. Platforms like Instagram and Twitter/X have analytics tools that allow you to see the performance of your posts with certain hashtags.
  • Choose your keywords carefully: Use keywords that are related to your post and the goal of your hashtag strategy. For example, if you are promoting a dog leash giveaway, perform a search with the keywords “dog” and “giveaway” and then select appropriate secondary hashtags.
  • Be cautious with extremely popular hashtags: While very popular hashtags may seem attractive, your post could quickly get lost in the flood of content using them. Opt for hashtags with a moderate volume of use (around 10,000 to 500,000 posts), which will give you greater long-term visibility.
  • Mix it up: Popular hashtags can attract more views but also have millions of posts, making it difficult for your content to stand out. Balance this by using more specific hashtags that fit your niche or industry, which, although having fewer posts, will attract a more targeted and interested audience.
  • Yes to branded hashtags: Creating a branded hashtag is a great way to generate engagement and encourage audience participation. Be sure to promote your own hashtag across all of your platforms and ask your followers to use it in their posts.
  • More is not always better: Although some platforms allow using up to 30 hashtags per post, it is not always advisable to use them all. Maintain relevance and use between 3 and 10 well-chosen hashtags to avoid appearing spammy and ensure that the hashtags are useful for your goals.

Now you know how important it is to have a good hashtag strategy for your brand and how Rafflys simplifies the process of choosing the right hashtags for your social media content.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team.

Create hashtags for your posts in seconds!I want my #hashtags

Franca Beraldi - Redactora de Contenidos SEO
Franca Beraldi

Franca is part of the AppSorteos marketing team. Her tasks include everything that is content-related in Spanish, English and Portuguese, including new blog posts, product demos and faqs.