Discover Our New App for Running Giveaways on Bluesky!
Discover Our New App for Running Giveaways on Bluesky!

New Tool! AppSorteos allows you to run giveaways on Bluesky quickly, transparently, and professionally. Boost your brand now!

Par Franca Beraldi

Guide to creating your Bluesky Giveaways without the hassle
Guide to creating your Bluesky Giveaways without the hassle

Learn how to create Bluesky giveaways step by step with AppSorteos. Maximize participation and brand visibility with this easy and effective guide.

Par Franca Beraldi

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Try our new Scratch and Win!

Try our new Scratch and Win!

Create amazing promotions with our new Scratch and Win tool. Attract more customers with personalized virtual scratch cards.

How to do a Secret Santa online

How to do a Secret Santa online

Find out how to make a Secret Santa online and hassle-free with this complete guide - create your Secret Santa now!

How can I share my Promotions?

How can I share my Promotions?

Discover all the options available to share your Promotions with your customers. Reach more people, engage your audience and sell more!

We’re on Zapier!

We’re on Zapier!

Discover how, with AppSorteos' Zapier integrations, you can make your promotions simpler, save time and avoid errors.