How to create a post to promote my Mother’s Day giveaway on Instagram.

Par Franca Beraldi · Mis à jour le Jan 6, 2025
6328 vues

How many giveaways and promotions are run to celebrate Mother’s Day? And how many of them go unnoticed or don’t have the expected audience reach? And let’s not blame it all on Instagram’s algorithm.

Much of the problem is related to the strategy you choose when creating your post. That post that will grab your audience’s attention (in a good way) and make them want to participate. Whatever prize you raffle.

For this, there is no better remedy than following the instructions I tell you in this article. Step by step, you will design an eye-catching post, but without losing the essence of your business, and you will be able to make your Mother’s Day giveaway a great sales resource.

Step by step to create the Mother’s Day Giveaway Instagram post.

There’s nothing better than a step-by-step to not miss a detail when it comes to making your giveaway post, on this date where the competition is eager to increase their audience. Follow it and design your post taking advantage of all the resources. Here we go!

1. Pay attention to the dimensions and requirements of Instagram and other social media.

Before you start designing your post for the Mother’s Day giveaway, choose how you are going to promote it and check the dimensions of the stories, reels or post on Instagram. I name you this social network because, if you are going to do your giveaway on Instagram, the most convenient thing to do is to post it here first.

The size of the Instagram post is 1080×1080 px, the size of the reel and stories is 1080×1920 px. If you use Canva or any app to design your publication, the measures are already predetermined and you don’t have to calculate anything.

Piero Liventi’s account, for example, promotes its Mom’s Day giveaway through a reel. This is where the comments will be drawn from to choose the winner.

Mother's Day Giveaway on Instagram Reel
Before designing your post for the Mother’s Day Giveaway, check the dimensions of the different Instagram formats.

2. Explain and show what the prize of your Mother’s Day Giveaway is.

This part is really important. Everything (or almost everything) enters through the eyes. If you are planning to give something to someone through a giveaway, put an image of the product or, if it is a service, something related to it.

If it is an image of the item involved, all the better. This way, the user gets a concrete and real idea of what the prize consists of. In the description, give as good a picture of the prize as you can.

Check out how the Katty Cake account did in their Mother’s Day giveaway post. The photo illustrates each of the prizes, wouldn’t you like to win one of them?

Mother's Day Giveaway on Instagram
Explain and show a photo of the prize. The more representative, the better. Your audience will have a clear idea of what you are raffling (and selling, of course).

3. Don’t forget your brand identity when you hold your Mother’s Day giveaway.

With so many product photos, attracting attention, making it entertaining and fun, we often forget the most important thing: our brand.

Somewhere in the post should be the logo, colors, typography or something that the public can directly relate to your business.

Typically, for Mom’s Day, posts are with pink colors, flowers and pastel tones. If your brand has these colors, great! But if it doesn’t, don’t force the publication by adding elements that don’t relate to your identity.

The Gorilla Grow Tent account doesn’t leave out their brand identity in their Mother’s Day giveaway post. The design of their post includes their typography, colors and, of course, their logo.

Mother's Day Giveaway on Instagram
Your brand identity must be present in your Mother’s Day Giveaway post.

4. Bring life and color to your post

Your publication has to have some color in its design. And by this I don’t mean an unintentional burst of colors, but elements that make it more enjoyable to read. You can put, both in the image and in the description:

  • Emojis: Be careful not to overuse them. There are specific emoticons for moms, or some of a gift, or stars, etc.
  • Hashtags: Choose those related to Mother’s Day, your giveaway, your brand, or a product you sell.
  • Texts: they must be clear and concise, especially in the image.

Do you have everything ready for Mother's Day?Let's run that giveaway!

5. Make the conditions for participating clear

In your post about the Mother’s Day Giveaway, you must include the legal terms and conditions to make your promotion more transparent and fair. Include a link that takes the user directly to the legal terms and conditions of your giveaway.

If you don’t have your legal bases ready, visit our Terms & Conditions Generator and create them in two minutes.

6. Tell your audience what they have to do in order to participate.

The instructions must be clear and can be in the image of your publication or in its description. Show them, in a simple way, what they have to do to participate.

Check out the Wig’N Out Boutique account, in the image of their post they mention everything their audience has to do to participate in their giveaway.

Mother's Day Giveaway on Instagram
Your Mother’s Day giveaway should have the instructions to participate clear and visible to your audience.

Extra considerations when creating your Mother’s Day Giveaway

  • Publish the post well in advance: Check when Mother’s Day is in your country and promote your giveaway about 20 days before. This will give your audience time to participate.
  • Communicate your giveaway through all the channels you have in your business: It doesn’t matter if your Mother’s Day giveaway is on Instagram, at least for communication purposes. Promote it on all your channels. This way you will have a greater reach and more people will participate and get to know you.
  • Partner with other accounts to reach more people: This is important! If your business does not sell something related to mothers, partner with other accounts and, thanks to this, make yourself known among other people.

As you can see, you can apply this step by step for any social media giveaway you do and on any important date for your business.

Remember, a good publication in a giveaway generates interest and desire to participate in your audience, so you should not take it as an accessory. Pay attention to all these tips and your giveaway will not go unnoticed.

Run a Mother’s Day giveaway without missing out on the importance of designing your promotional post!

Do you have everything ready for Mother's Day?Let's run that giveaway!

Franca Beraldi - Redactora de Contenidos SEO
Franca Beraldi

Franca is part of the AppSorteos marketing team. Her tasks include everything that is content-related in Spanish, English and Portuguese, including new blog posts, product demos and faqs.