Tirage au Sort Twitter

Choisissez des gagnants au hasard parmi vos retweets et vos followers!

Connexion avec Twitter
{{ twitter_user.name }}


Offrez un concours aux utilisateurs qui retweetent vos messages.


Organisez un concours pour tous ceux qui vous suivent sur Twitter.


Organisez un cadeau parmi les utilisateurs qui répondent à vos tweets
{{ twitter_user.name }} {{ $t('buttons.logout') }}

{{ twitter_user.name }}

{{ twitter_user.followers_count}} {{ $t('labels.followers') }}

What is Twitter RT's and Followers picker?

Twitter RT's and Followers picker is a simple and free tool to easily pick a winner from Twitter RT's and followers from your Twitter account. Use our tool for yours giveaways, sweepstakes, promotions and contests.

AppSorteos has two free apps to create Twitter Giveaways for free. Ypu can get winners from users that make a RT's to you tweets, or pick a winner from your Followers.

1. Twitter RT's Giveaway

By entering the URL of your Twitter tweet we will retrieve the users who make a RT. Because of Twitter limitations, the winner will be picker from the latest 100 RT's. If your tweet has less than 100 RT's, so the winner will be picked from all the rt's

2. Twitter Followers Giveaway

Choose this option to create pick winners from all your Twitter Followers. AppSorteos will find all your account followers, and you can pick one or more winners.

Running the Giveaway

Once you are done, just click on "Start" button and wait for the results. We save the results on a public certificate, you can share with your followers. Ceritificates are totally free.