International Friendship Day, how to create a super promotion for this date?

Par Franca Beraldi · Mis à jour le Mar 21, 2025
3386 vues

Friends Day is one of the biggest opportunities of the year to grow your brand.

Think of all the people who look forward to this date to join together, celebrate, give each other gifts and share fun or relaxing moments with their friends. During these days flows that good energy that is essential to get your business up with a campaign or accelerate your sales path.

In order not to miss this stellar moment, I show you how to prepare a super promotion to celebrate your customers and their friendship with your business.

I can’t think of any ideas for Friend’s Day, what promotion can I set up?

If you have run out of ideas to celebrate this date, here I present two promotional combos, using three AppSorteos tools. Stop wasting your brain cells and replicate these strategies well complemented to cover all aspects of your business.

Mega Combo 1: Trivia in your store + Friendship Day Giveaway on Instagram + Prize Wheel

This super promotion fits any business. You can apply it completely or using two of AppSorteos’ tools. In this one we brought together two giants that get along very well, the Giveaway on Instagram and the Prize Wheel. We added a special spice that gives a fun twist to our combo: the Trivia.

Let’s take a look one by one:

Prize Wheel on your business website

Our wheel can not be missing in these mega promotions that you do in your brand.

In this combo we suggest you, if you own a business website or e-commerce, embed the wheel in the header or body of your website. We have recently added some cool new options to share your promotions, check them out!

Check out the Friend’s Day Wheel we’ve designed!

Create a Prize Wheel and explore all the possibilities you have to do with it.

Instagram giveaway

The classic Friend’s Day giveaway takes place here. On this date you can take the opportunity to ask users to tag other people with whom they would like to share the prize. It would also be great if you generate an original hashtag related to your business and friendship, and have all participants share it.

Instagram Friend Giveaway
Here the All Montessori account is running a giveaway for the International Day of Friendship.

In this post we show you a little bit more about how to create a giveaway on Instagram.

Trivia (questions and answers)

There are three things in favor of trivia, in my opinion:

  • They are a lot of fun.
  • They allow you to exercise your memory and other mental activities.
  • They always teach you something.

We could say that they are the perfect complement to any promotion. And creating a trivia is as easy as it is entertaining.

Trivia and quiz Generator
Generate questions and answers for your customers in our Trivia Generator.

Here’s a sample trivia game with 5 questions that I’ve put together for this occasion. After opening the link, click or press the space bar to play for a while. Create your own and include it in your promotion!

Enjoy full promotions for all tastes!Create promotions

Mega Combo 2: Multi-Network Giveaway + Prize Wheel in your Store + Number Giveaway

In this second mega combo you can target your customers from all sides. It’s almost like a superpower. Here we also include the wheel but, by sharing it in your physical store, all customers will be able to participate. See below for a detailed explanation.

Multi-Network Giveaway

The ease that AppSorteos gives you to include in a single giveaway the entries from all your social media is an advantage that you can’t miss out on. This way, you will reach the audience of many platforms and you won’t leave anyone out.

MultiNetwork Giveaway
Design multi-network giveaways with AppSorteos. Evaluate where your audience is and allow everyone to participate, regardless of the platform.

Create a multi-network giveaway and gain followers, you’ll see how easy it is to do it..

Wheel QR in your physical store

Here, again, the Wheel is our ally when it comes to making a super promotion.

Set up your Friend’s Day Wheel and, in the Share tab, select the QR Code.

Select the QR code of your wheel.
Click on QR Code to view and share it.

You can print it or display it on a tablet, for example.

Number Giveaway

And finally, I propose you to complement the promotion for Friend’s Day with a giveaway of numbers. This tool is great because it is very easy to set up. Check it out:

  1. Give a number to each customer or to each purchase made (virtual or in person).
  2. When the time limit expires, set up your giveaway.
  3. Ready? Run the giveaway!
Random Number Generator
Number Giveaway Setup.

In 5 minutes you’ve created your number giveaway, don’t forget to announce the winners on social media!

Building promotions for Friendship Day allows you to increase brand awareness, build customer loyalty and boost sales.

After this, you can’t say you don’t have ideas for your Friendship Day campaigns! Use the strategy you like the most and Happy Friend’s Day!

Enjoy full promotions for all tastes!Create promotions

Franca Beraldi - Redactora de Contenidos SEO
Franca Beraldi

Franca is part of the AppSorteos marketing team. Her tasks include everything that is content-related in Spanish, English and Portuguese, including new blog posts, product demos and faqs.