Find your Instagram post URL

Follow this step to find your picture link URL and create free giveaways and contests. It works for Photos, Videos and IgTV posts.

1. Get Instagram Photo URL via THE BROWSER

Follow the steps to find the right Instagram post url via your desktop computer.

  1. Go to via the browser and login
  2. Go to the post by clicking the date or time at the bottom of a post (like "1 day ago"). Or go to your profile overview page and click the photo you want.
  3. Copy the URL from the browser address bar (at the top)
  4. Paste the URL in AppSorteos: Instagram Giveways!
  5. That's it. Pick a happy winner from your comments

2. Get Instagram Photo URL via THE MOBILE INSTAGRAM APP

Follow the steps to find the right Instagram post url from your Instagram App (IOS or Android)

  1. Open the mobile Instagram app
  2. Go to the profile overview page and open the post
  3. Click the three dots at the top right corner
  4. Click the options share and you will see "Copy Link" at the bottom
  5. Paste the URL in AppSorteos: Instagram Giveways!
  6. That's it. Pick a happy winner from your comments