7 outstanding ways to announce your social media giveaway winners

By Franca Beraldi · Updated on Jan 6, 2025

In this article, I will show you the 7 top ways to announce your giveaway winners on social media. This way, the communication of the winning people will also be done in the best and most transparent way.

After the long but satisfying process of planning and organizing a giveaway, it’s finally time to announce the lucky winner.

If this is your first draw and you need all the data to make it go as well as possible, you must not forget the step of communicating who the winners are. There are 3 reasons for this:

  1. Your prize should be treated with the importance it deserves. Besides being a marketing strategy for your company, it is remarkable that a brand or a company gives something to its followers just for being there. Therefore, you should not end your giveaway without properly communicating the person who will win the coveted prize.
  2. Emphasizing the publication of the winners will attract new followers to your site and build loyalty with those who already trust you, and believe me, this will be reflected in an increase in sales.
  3. Every process has to have an end, and announcing the winners is a nice way to crown your giveaway with good news. And people love good news, so they won’t hesitate to learn more about you and your brand.

Remember that it is important to plan the entire giveaway and communicate the entire process clearly, from setting the date and terms to announcing the winner of the giveaway, as this is just as important as the rest of the promotion.

Now, here are the 7 best ways to announce your brand new winners:

1) Publish a post or story on your account with the names of the winners.

The easiest way, and the one most accounts use, is to publish a post or story with the winner’s name. Here are some tips on how to communicate the results of, for example, your giveaway on Instagram:

  • Use the same design (photo or typography) that you used to promote your giveaway. This will help people associate this post with the result and not get lost in the sea of posts.
  • Use catchy phrases to announce the result of the giveaway and headline your post with them. For example, you can use: Here are the names of the winners! or We already have the winners of the giveaway! This will attract people who participated in the giveaway as well as those who did not.
  • Mention or tag the winners to make sure they get the message, and dedicate a few words to them in the comments of your post.
  • Don’t forget the non-winners. Everyone who participated deserves a nice word of encouragement for your next giveaway!

2) Use the certificate provided by Rafflys to announce the giveaway winner

Rafflys will provide you with a unique certificate with the name of the winning user. You can publish this certificate in all your networks, both in your stories and in your posts. This way of announcing the winner gives total transparency to your giveaway.

Winners certificate posted on Instagram.
The Crochet by Ali account used the winning certificate to post on their networks. Congratulations on your giveaway and your good communication of the results!

3) Post a live on your Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or TikTok account

If your giveaway is on one of these three social media platforms that allow live video, publish it directly to your account. You can record the entire process of your giveaway: when you start it, when you run it, and when you verify that the winner meets all the requirements you specified in the giveaway rules. This also provides transparency and creates a sense of connection with your followers.

Haven't done your giveaway yet? Do it now! I want to run the giveaway!

4) Edit the giveaway post and add the names of the winning persons.

You can modify the giveaway post directly to include the winners. Make sure that this change is noticed and does not get lost in the terms and conditions or the comments of all the participants.

Don’t underestimate the power of announcing your giveaway winners, because when done right, it’s a great way to reach more of your followers, promote an item or service, and get more visibility and sales.

5) Include the winner’s name or username in the comments section of the post.

Another option for announcing the winners of your giveaway is to comment on the giveaway post. The best way to do this is to mention the user’s name in your comment so that the winner can be notified directly. If you choose to do this, make sure your comment is highlighted, otherwise you run the risk of it getting lost or your followers not finding the result of the giveaway.

Notify the winners with a comment on Instagram.
Use our template to post a comment directly to your giveaway post.

6) Post the link to the certificate of the list of winners in your account bio or in your story.

Rafflys also provides you with a winners page where you can find all the details about the giveaway and the winners and alternates. Publish it in your bio, on your website under the legal terms you created for your giveaway, or in a story with a link. Users will be able to click and go directly to the certificate with the list of winners.

Certificate of Validity of Instagram giveaway.
Share the certificate of validity we provide in our app and ensure transparency throughout your giveaway.

7) Send a private message or email to the giveaway winner, or communicate through any other channel.

Make the most of all your brand’s communication options. If you run your giveaway on Instagram, promote it on Facebook, YouTube or Twitter/X and announce the winner on those channels. Use the newsletter feature or write a blog post about the giveaway and mention the winners. Remember, there are no limits to sharing good news!

Now that you know these 7 ways for your Giveaway winner announcement on social media, you can effectively communicate who will take home the desired prize.

Remember, social giveaways are a great way to build your brand, get more customers and position your website in the first places, so go for it!

Haven't done your giveaway yet? Do it now! I want to run the giveaway!

Franca Beraldi - Redactora de Contenidos SEO
Franca Beraldi

Franca is part of the AppSorteos marketing team. Her tasks include everything that is content-related in Spanish, English and Portuguese, including new blog posts, product demos and faqs.